Happy belated Easter! Does anyone even say that? Probably not. And….moving on. The little Weiss to be family (me, Nick and Mojo) headed back home to visit the family. We haven’t been back in awhile so we wanted to make the best of it and make sure to spend time with both families. We started the weekend off with a nice Saturday morning workout and a huge carb filled breakfast. Those are my favorite Saturdays. I didn’t get any pictures of my Saturday breakfast because I just wanted to eat. #sorrynotsorry
We had Easter with my family Saturday afternoon so we had a late lunch with the fam. There was lots and lots of food. Most healthy, some not so healthy which I am sure is like most of everyone’s family gatherings. I want to use this post to show that even though you may not be surrounded by all healthy food all the time, you can still make a colorful and healthy plate. Here is what Easter lunch looked like FOR ME. We had turkey breasts (yum, one of my favorites), spinach salad (so proud of grandma for making it), pineapple and strawberries (fruit was my task) and steamed mixed veggies (I will be sharing this recipe next week). I also ate a big ole helping of mashed sweet potato but it isn’t pictured because we forgot about them. Oops. There was a bunch of other foods that I skipped because they were less nutritional and just not the healthiest options. Now, I am not here to tell people what they should and should not eat. I am here to show you that when you make healthy eating a lifestyle, it is much much easier to attend family gatherings, go out to eat or attend any other social events where there might not be the best options. I could of easily chowed down a piece of chocolate cake, peeps, cheesy potatoes, fruit fluff salad thingy ma bob but I didn’t. I wanted to feel energized and content not sluggish and overly full. I filled my plate with lean meat, some fruit and loads of veggies because that is what works FOR ME. Finding a balance and finding out which foods work well with your body is probably the number one thing that will help people to succeed with a healthier lifestyle.
Later that night I had some more turkey and sweet potatoes for dinner because I needed to hit my macros. I will post a different time about my macro experimenting.
Easter morning we went to church, got pelted in the face with holy water, almost passed out from the incents then went home and made breakfast. Breakfast is my all time favorite. There are just so many options! Eggs, bacon, veggie hashes, leftovers from the night before, pancakes, waffles, egg bakes, you can have anything! Whenever I am back home I make sure venison bacon is always on the breakfast menu know.matter.what. I had two over easy eggs, four slices of bacon (six) and fruit leftover from Easter lunch.
The last family Easter meal was with the future in-laws. The in-laws that always have more dessert on the menu than anything else. I’ve never been much of a sweets person and finally after 8 years of dating, they are finally not forcing desserts onto my plate (but still sometimes). I had ham, raw veggies with guacamole (which I brought) and mixed fruit. The fruit was amazing. It’s been so long since I’ve had fresh berries and there was mango too which I don’t eat much of but realized I love! I could have eaten the entire bowl of fruit. I opted out of the dessert because liked I mentioned, I’m not huge on sweets. I really have to be in the mood for dessert.
So,that was that. Those were my Easter eats. When at social gatherings you have two options. Choose the foods you know will make you feel good or choose the foods that you think might taste better but make you feel like poop. To me, it is pretty simple. I want to feel good and be able to enjoy the company of my family without feeling like my guts are ripping apart. I have been able to find the foods that work for me through experimentation and consistency. You can do the same thing with a little work and determination. Starting something new is never easy. Once you have your system down, you won’t even realize the healthy choices you are making because they will be automatic. I am here to help so please do not hesitate to reach out for help 🙂