How is it going to be 2018 next week? This time of year a lot of people start looking ahead and making new goals and resolutions for the year. But, what about all of the accomplishments we made over the last year? Before kissing 2017 good-bye and promising to ourselves that 2018 WILL BE THE YEAR, take some time to reflect on that past 365 days. What are you most proud of? What were some of your favorite moments? What did you learn that you are going to take with you into the new year? As important as it is to make new goals and have something to strive for, it is also important to reflect on past moments and be grateful and proud for what we accomplished. The more grateful we are for all experiences we endured over the year, the more we can grow and prosper in 2018. Maybe you didn’t meet your 2017 resolution, but what progress did you make towards it? Be proud of that and use it as motivation to keep going in 2018.
Now, time to get your sweat on. This is going to be a burner so go light. When reps are high, weight should be lower to avoid any injury. Complete 50 reps of each exercise and with limited rest move onto 40 reps, 30 reps and so on.
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Workout
– Goblet squats
– Wall balls
– butterfly sit-ups