If you saw my free workout post from last week I briefly chatted about what I plan to do once I am fully recovered from giving birth. I shared this Street Parking WOD that I can’t wait to try once I am healed enough to workout. Yesterday I was reminiscing about competing in Spartan races and how I cannot wait for next year to get back out on the course! The Spartan website has a workout feature and shares daily workouts. You can even get them emailed to you daily! Sprinting is an amazing cardio option and will condition your body and get you faster and better results than just steady state cardio. When I saw this workout, I knew I had to jot it down! I can’t wait to do this workout! Head to the track, your backyard, or even a treadmill and give this workout a try. Let me know how it goes!
The Spartan 100
– 100 yard sprint
– 10 push-ups
– rest 1 minute
– 100 yard sprint
– 10 lunges
– rest 1 minute
– 100 yard sprint
– 10 pull-ups
– rest 1 minute
– 100 yard sprint
– 10 burpees
– rest 1 minute
– 100 yard sprint
– 10 squats
– rest 1 minute
– 100 yard sprint
– 30 sit-ups
– fully recover