Happiest of Fridays to you! How has another week come and gone? I have been getting into the gym more these days which has made my days that more busy so the weeks have been flying by. Last week I made it into the gym 4 days (woot!) and this week I have made it 3 days. Even though I have only had the chance to go to the gym 3 days this week, I am still going to carve time out of my day today to get in a quick workout during baby girls nap time. Keyword, try! This 20 minute AMRAP workout should do the trick to move my body, break a sweat and get the endorphins pumping.
Sometimes all you need is just 10-20 minutes to get in a good workout. If you feel you don’t have time to workout, let me ask you if you can find at least 10-20 minutes a few times a week to get in a sweat session. I bet most of you can. This could be time that you are either watching TV, scrolling social media, online shopping, happy hour, etc. There is always time for a workout if you make the time. Look at your day. How can you prioritize things so it includes a workout? Again, this doesn’t have to be a 60 minute gym workout. It can simply be a 10-20 minute at home workout.
Today I have a lot to get done and don’t have anyone to watch baby girl so I can go to the gym. Instead of just saying hell with it, I am re-prioritizing my day to fit in a quick 20 minute workout because exercise is important to me. Get out your planner, look at the weekend and week ahead and schedule in where you know you can fit in your workouts. Some of these workouts might be at the gym and some of these workouts might be in your living room. We all have the time to workout as long as we make the time!
20 Minute AMRAP
Reps: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.
In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible adding 5 reps each round.
– KB deadlift
– deadbugs each side
– burpees