Happy Friday out there! Wisconsin has been real weird the last two weeks. We got something like 23 inches of snow since last week and now the temperatures are deciding to get real cold again. I love snow though because that means snowshoeing, snowboarding, skiing, cross country skiing, tubing and anything else you can think of that is fun in the snow. I am a snowshoer and snowboarder. I hope to someday try cross country skiing and I can’t wait until baby A is old enough to take her tubing! Even though it’s going to be a chilly on this weekend, get out and play in the snow!
You’re not going to believe it, I have been able to get in a workout everyday this week! I haven’t gone today yet, but if all goes well I should be able to get in a quick one. I don’t usually workout 5 days in a row without taking a rest day, but I am learning being a new mom I need to take any chance I can get. You never know what might happen and most often than not, plans tend to go haywire. I forgot how good it feels to get in consistent workouts! Speaking of plans going haywire, I have to drop Avri off at daycare this morning (the hubby usually does). She usually sleeps until 6am-6:30am. Well guess who has been cooing and talking to herself in her crib since 5:30am (it’s currently 6am)? Yep, baby A. This of course will most likely throw her off for the rest of the day since she is never up this early. LIke why?
But hey, it’s Friday and I am choosing to make it a great day and I hope you do too! Here is a quick workout to get in between your hectic schedule. Get in, break a sweat, get those endorphins running and have a great day!
3 Rounds for Time
– 1,000 meter row
– 20 kettlebell swings
– 20 plank shoulder taps