This workout doesn’t have to be saved for when you go on vacation. It can simply be done anywhere! I called it a vacation workout because it is what I did on the last morning of our Lake Superior mini vacation last weekend. This workout was created by Juli Bauer of Paleomg while she was also…
Fiesta Lime Shrimp and Zucchini Bowls
Is it really Wednesday already? Time has just been flying by this summer and soon all the kidos will be back in school. This is the time of summer where families are taking their final vacations before getting back into their school year routines. Vacation shouldn’t be used as an excuse to get off track…
Backyard 30 Minute AMRAP
It’s Friday, Friday, Friday! I did something cool this week, cool for me anyways. I attended and survived two crossfit classes! I have done crossfit style workouts on my own, but never a class. A friend invited me to her crossfit gym (box?) to try out a class. I was never the “group training class”…
Healthified Banana Bread
So much has happened in such a short amount of time. We FINALLY moved into our very first home – we are officially home owners!! It was a long weekend moving and getting settled but man does it feel good! I am proud to pull up my driveway everyday, I am excited to paint and decorate…
8 Minute Ab Circuit
Fit this circuit in at home, in a hotel room, at the gym or anywhere you can squeeze it in. Finish any workout with this circuit or if you don’t have time for a full workout, get your heart rate up a bit and do this! 8 Minute Ab Circuit 1 minute each exercise –…
Salted Caramel Mug Cake
For the last 8-12 weeks or since my first body building competition in May my focus in the gym has been heavy weight training to add as much muscle to my frame as possible. I like weight training and lifting heavy but the monotonous movements and schedule gets tough on me after so long. This got…
Dijon Mustard and Thyme Marinade Grilled Chicken
Another obstacle race is in the books! Over the weekend I participated in a small town 5K obstacle course and it once again solidified my passion for fitness, health and obstacle racing. I was never one to enjoy running, still hate it. However, get me on a trail in the woods and I can just…
Cardio with a Twist
FriYAY – kick this weekend off with some MOVEMENT. The body was made to move and do physical work. Don’t deny your body its purpose. In order to make progress you don’t have to spend countless hours at the gym lifting like a bodybuilder. Kick up the intensity once in awhile and get in a…
Herb Infused Sweet Potato Wedges
Remember my excitement from last week about our fun mini trip up north? Yea, that didn’t happen. Anything that could have gone wrong last weekend pretty much did. I am not going to explain everything that went down because this post would turn into a novel. What I do want to talk about though is…
Chocolate Chip Cookies
These cookies are bomb. Seriously, I want them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and then again for breakfast. No, they are not paleo because I use oat flour. If you remember a few weeks back I told you I will be venturing outside of the strict paleo world and sharing other recipes that are still healthy….