There are things that happen in life that are hard to understand or hard to see the positives and I am currently fighting that battle right now. Two days ago I was involved in a serious car accident that resulted in my and the other driver’s vehicle being totaled. I was lucky enough to walk away from the…
Single Serve Chocolate Protein Cake
Instead of listening to my ramblings on the blog today I want to send you to my facebook page where I explain why you will NOT get bulky if you pick up a weight in the gym and why your body needs muscle. Click here! On another note, this single serve protein cake really hit…
Special Ingredient Salsa
I realize that not everyone is a veggie freak like me and eats them with every single meal cooked or raw. That’s why I was bound and determined to find a solution for people who can’t stand the thought of broccoli or spinach. I give to you, my special ingredient! This special ingredient of mine…
Vanilla Chia and Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
The other day on the radio there was a trivia question about the most obnoxious photos posted on social media and the top two were couples cuddling and images that showcase or “show off” ones fit body. This actually really peeved me. Why is it obnoxious to see photos of a couple that is obviously…
Blackberry and Coconut Water Dutch Chocolate Smoothie
Pills and powders and capsules OH MY! Let’s face it, nutrition can be hard. Every article you read tells you something different and everyone you talk to is peddling the simple pre-made and portioned food line. Not to mention you have the “Dr. Midday show” telling you that you are deficient and going to die…
Protein Chocolate Chip and Blueberry Energy Balls
Do you find yourself ever apologizing for things that you really don’t need to be apologizing for? I recently read an article that popped up on a health website I follow about how apologizing is a “thing” for women in today’s society. As I read the article, I found myself shaking my head up and…
Chocolate Protein Banana Overnight Oats
You read that right, overnight OATS. In a previous post I mentioned that things will be changing a bit around here and one of those things are non-paleo recipes. I used to “label” myself as paleo and I stuck to a paleo diet 99 percent of the time for a very long time. Over the…
Protein Coffee Creamer and Iced Almond Milk Coffee
Coffee, my cheese to my macaroni. Without coffee, life simply wouldn’t exist. Who’s with me?! Because coffee is so essential in all of our lives, I have TWO recipes for you guys this week! First, lets talk about nutritional density of the calorie. Heavy stuff, I know. You have to watch this video, it is…
Protein Candied Cashews
Have you ever asked yourself, why? Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you wear the clothes that you wear or eat the foods that you eat? Why do you say and feel the things that you do? Well, recently I was able to spend a weekend surrounded by the most amazing…
Green Machine Smoothie
I started my paleo journey about three years ago. I wasn’t over weight (bigger and fluffier, yes), I didn’t have food allergy on food allergy and nothing was physically “wrong” with me. I started eating paleo because I was curious. I was working really hard with fitness and my workouts and knew I needed to…